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First Point Nutrition is a registered with the National Disability Insurance Scheme to provide dietitian services 
First Point Nutrition can assist people with disabilities to achieve better health through good nutrition. Our dietitian can assist NDIS participants with:
  • Chronic disease management (e.g.. diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive issues, heart disease, cancer)
  • Weight management 
  • Management of enteral feeds/ nutrition support
  • Improving diet quality 
  • Advice regarding food allergies/intolerance 
  • Fussy eating
Cooking classes
Depending on the goals of the participant, healthy cooking classes may be arranged. Please get in contact for more information.
Staff Training
Training is also available for disability support workers to equip them to better assist participants to achieve their health goals. Individualised training can be designed according to the needs of the participant/staff- please get in touch to discuss how we can assist. 
Funding/ Fees
First Point Nutrition can access NDIS funding from Improved Health and Wellbeing, Improved Daily Living or Core Supports. We accept clients who are plan managed, agency managed or self-managed. 
Fees are as per the NDIS price guide ($193.99)
Home visits
Home visits are available for NDIS participants in the Canberra and Bega Valley region, or in our Tuggeranong clinic.
Referral form 
Please complete this form if you would like to refer a NDIS participant  
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